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Friday, May 28, 2010

[And We Fall Like Stars From A Disapproving Sky]

He's perfect...literally everything I've ever wanted and more...remember when I was that pathetic little girl so scared of her own feelings and so afraid of being hurt that she couldn't find a person that could truely make her fall in love? Well, I've found him. Sad little girl is now a full-grown, ridiculously happy woman. I found someone that I fell for so easily...and that's hard...for me..and it came so naturally. The "I love you's" weren't even, the first time he held my hand I knew...that was it. I was hooked. It's ridiculous to think about the short amount of time we've been together, yet we've been through so freaking much together it's unbelievable...and I trust him;;I really do. I know I've had trust issues before but I 100% believe that he will be faithful to me. I couldn't ask for anything better. I'm in love;;completely. I am going to be with my Robert Michael Hathcoat for the rest of my life and that makes me feel so secure and happy:) I don't even want to think about where I'd be or what I'd be doing without him...and I was so scared...that maybe he would decide that through all of my faults and flaws that I wasn't "marriage material," but he really loves me. For all that I am...and I have never felt more at home with anyone.'s so hard to believe it..and when I think about my future there's no way I could picture my life without him...he's it. He's my everything. :) I knew it was special from that very first night...when Zach brought me over for the "one-night-hook-up-fix-up-make-her-undeppressed" thing..and I could tell that this was something that hadn't happened before. Now, I'm not saying that I believe in love at first sight because I certainly don't...but this is as close as anyone will ever get to that. Like...I honestly believe that he is the only one for me;;that we were meant to be together and that we are soulmates. :) People throw that term around a lot and don't really understand what it means, but I do. Now. WIthout him I'm only half of something so completely amazing...alone I am nothing, but with him, I could conquer the world:) As Mayday Parade said, [[save your heart for someone that's worth dying for...don't give it away]]. So I guess it's good that I was so guarded..that I didn't give my heart blindly away to people that didn't deserve it or to people that I knew weren't right for me. I'm so happy that I am completely his and there is no one in the world that could ever take his place. And I think back to previous relationships and other various hookups and I realize that I was an idiot. That maybe there's something to this "save it for marriage" Christian bullshit. I don't think you should have to wait for marriage but I know it would have been a thousand times more special if I had saved it for the one that mattered...of course it's in the past now and I can't change it, but i can say that there is one thing that I've never done with another man, and it's not's make love. I have never "made love" to anyone...and Robby comes along and BAM...I don't know..It's like...the most amazing feeling ever. I'm so so so happy that he came into my life...and I know that I never have to lose him and that we'll always be together...and that's the best feeling in the world. I love you, Robert Michael are my world, my everything, my moon, my stars, my flowers, my rain, my air, my clouds, the shine in my smile and the twinkle in my're it. And I'll be yours forever and always<3

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