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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

[Making Up For Lost Time] The Winds of Change Are Blowing My Direction...

So;;it's been a while since my last post. I'm getting lazy. Then again, I usually do. I never finish anything I start. I haven't kept a steady journal for more than a month at a time, but one can only try.

Updates on my life::
1. Robby(: He makes me SO happy. I can already tell this is going to be something good. It's early, but I know that I'm really really digging this kid, and he's really really digging me. And I haven't been this happy in ages, so I'm stoked. I'm skipping school Thursday to be with him, then shopping with him Friday afternoon, then he's taking me to my Winter Formal Saturday night, and then I'm going to [hopefully] stay the night at his place(: I always have an amazing time when I'm with him. He makes me all smiley/giggley/butterfly-ee/weak in the knees/blushy/ Bambi would say;;I'm twitterpated;)
2. School): Yeah, I'm not doing so well. I had a good two-day streak of doing work and paying attention, but after the weekend I came back as lazy as ever. Ugh. I certainly wish I wasn't so lazy, but I can't help it. [Wow...I sound like a total douchebag right now]. **lol**

End transmission.

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