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Sunday, January 31, 2010

[Rough Draft] The Yearbook's Final Goodbye (thanks for making ME write it).

We are all on our own seperate paths, and we are all headed to different places. Some of our paths will remain intertwined throughout the years and others will slowly grow apart. But no matter where our paths lead us, we will all have one thing in common--we spent some of the best/worst years of our lives here. Ouachita High School. Another year has gone by, and we've survived. For some, this is the beginning of a new high school career, a fresh reputation, and an entirely new place to make a name for themselves. For others, this is a goodbye. This is the start of an entirely new chapter beyond high school; beyond hallway drama and cafeteria crispitos. We are all beginning to realize that someday we're going to have to leave the safety of these white walls we know so well. We will eventually have to find new security in our independence. Some of our goodbyes are forever and some for a day, but we will NEVER forget the times we had here. And each of our paths, however long and winding they may be, will lead us to a greater tomorrow. We will gain friends and lose friends. We will learn some and forget some. But most of all, we will discover who we truely are. So take this journey one day at a time, and always remember the days you spent here in these crowded white hallways--laughing, crying, screaming, hurrying, stalling, whispering, smiling, and most importantly...growing. Growing older; growing wiser; growing apart; growing closer--growing up.

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