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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things That Make Me Smile (Slash) Things That Make Me Cry

Things That Make Me Smile::
  • Giant pink sunflowers
  • Folk music
  • The Beatles
  • Those days when it's not too warm but not to cold with just the right amount of breeze....ahh...perfection.
  • Funny homeless people
  • When they re-elect a new Pope
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer (this includes the "relationship" with Buffy and -sigh- Angel).
  • A sunset
  • Being out until 5 am with some of the most amazing people in the world
  • My REAL friends (the ones that are always there for me, even when I fuck up big time).
  • Black and white movies
  • Pin-up girls
  • Salsa dancing
  • Hearing a song I used to love but haven't heard in a while
  • Finding a good book
  • Finishing something I never thought I would finish
  • Writing (and then discovering I actually like what I've written).
  • Broken Lizard movies
  • Hugs
  • Twizzlers
  • My birthday suit
  • Holding hands...
  • Feeling special
  • John Lennon and every word he ever spoke
  • Food
  • Shakespear
  • Poetry
  • Edgar Allen Poe
  • Quentin Tarantino films
  • Across the Universe
  • "Death by stereo."
  • "Build a man a fire; he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire...he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
  • The Memory-Mayday Parade
  • Bunny, You Ain't No Kind of Rider-Of Montreal
  • When the President Talks to God-Bright Eyes
  • Getting to see my daddy....I miss him a lot. I miss our weekly conversations late at night when he would be so off-the-wall drunk, but still made sense, and I could tell him anything and everything because he didn't judge. And sometimes he even remembered the day afterwards...I just..miss that. I love my father very much. He is one of the only people, not just in my family but in my life in general, that truely understands ME.
  • "God created man because he was disappointed in the monkey." -Samuel Clemens (better known as Mark Twain)
  • Random factoids
  • The wind blowing on my face in just the right way....where everything seems at peace.
  • Love. I know I say I don't believe in it...and sometimes I really truley don't...I so scared. Butttt...however fleeting it may be, I think it is one of the most precious things we have in life, and to ignore it is simply idiotic. Love--whether lasting for a week or a lifetime--is something to be cherished and held on to. Something that makes us feel like we can fly.
  • Family Guy
  • the Fuse network
  • Marilyn Manson
  • Marijuana (I'm off andon these days)
  • Finding money in my pockets unexpectedly
  • Making A's in class
  • Being different
  • Men as well as women
  • The beauty in everyday things
  • Pomegranite body wash
  • Fruity shampoo
  • Storms (the thunder, the lightning, the rain....)
  • Dancing in said storms
  • Kissing. I really like kissing ((when it's with someone that kisses just the way I like them to)).
  • Piercings. I really enjoy tongue and lip piercings. I think they're amazing (for SEVERAL reasons).
  • Finding people that care about the same things I do.
  • Billy Mays
  • Vince of the Sham-Wow commercials (because he's funny AND he beat up a hooker).
  • "You're gonna love my nuts." ---National television
  • Fried chicken, black-eyed peas, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, cornbread, rolls, and butter-pecan ice cream(: [Reminds me of my Granny's house].
  • My Granny and Grampy
  • Megan
  • Photographyy
  • Planning my funeral.
Things That Make Me Cry::
  • Not seeing my father.
  • What you-know-who did to me.
  • Movies with sad endings.
  • Movies with happy endings.
  • Seeing gay people so excited about getting married, and then being shot down. It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen.
  • Homeless men begging for money...and never getting any.
  • Artwork that moves me.
  • Broken hearts.
  • Shots.
  • "The pregnancy scare"
  • Seeing two ridiculously old people still in love, holding hands, and's just...moving. And restores my faith in humanity and love as a whole.
  • Watching poor innocent animals getting treated like shit and then being killed and/or skinned alive for their fur. It's...awful.
  • "Don't think that I don't think about it."
  • The things that certain people say that I don't let go.
  • Peoples' parents dying.
  • Seeing children starving and being abused because of their shitty-ass parents.
  • Seeing my friends and/or family in pain.
  • Thinking about when my father's alcoholism is going to finally take it's toll and kill him.
  • Deadlines.
  • Stress.
  • My period.
  • Just thinking sometimes..
[I hope this was enlightening to whomever may be reading this as to what kind of person I am and whether or not you (still) like me].

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